Attende Domine - Lyrics

Latin Version:
Attende Domine et miserere quia peccavimus tibi
Ad te Rex summeomnium Redemptor oculos nostros sublevamus flentes: exaudi Christe supplicantum preces

Attende Domine et miserere quia peccavimus tibi
Dextera Patris lapis angularis via salutis ianua caelestis ablue nostri maculas delicti

Attende Domine et miserere quia peccavimus tibi
Rogamus Deus tuam maiestatem: auribus sacris gemitus exaudi: crimina nostra placidus indulge

Attende Domine et miserere quia peccavimus tibi
Tibi fatemur crimina admissa: contrito corde pandimus occulta: tua Redemptorpietas ignoscat

Attende Domine et miserere quia peccavimus tibi
Innocens captus nec repugnans ductus testibus falsis pro impiis damnatus quos redemisti tu conserva Christe

Attende Domine et miserere quia peccavimus tibi

English Version:
Hear us O Lord and have mercy because we have sinned against Thee
To Thee highest King Redeemer of all do we lift up our eyes in weeping: Hear O Christ the prayers of your servants

Hear us O Lord and have mercy because we have sinned against Thee
Right hand of the Father corner-stoneway of salvation gate of heaven wash away ourstains of sin

Hear us O Lord and have mercy because we have sinned against Thee
We beseech Thee God in Thy great majesty: Hear our groans with Thy holy ears: calmly forgiveour crimes

Hear us O Lord and have mercy because we have sinned against Thee
To Thee we confessour sins admitted with a contrite heart We reveal the things hidden: By Thy kindness O Redeemeroverlook them

Hear us O Lord and have mercy because we have sinned against Thee
The Innocent seizednot refusing to be led condemned by false witnesses because of impious men O Christ keep safe thosewhom Thou hast redeemed

Hear us O Lord and have mercy because we have sinned against Thee

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